
My Ideas On Life

  My Ideas on Life Life is a duty. Life is Faith. Life is Devotion. Life is a Promise. Life is Dedication. Life is an Unending Journey. Life is for Enlightenment. Life is a Spiritual Path. Life is a Divine responsibility. Life is a Beautiful Dream. Life is for Self-Improvement. Each of these qualities of Life is easily attained with discharge of Right Conduct.We should also involve our-self with good feelings for others. We need to know that each individual is first a human-being then any other status or relation.Mankind can achieve a lot by sharing love ,care and affection for each other. Man can easily attain enlightenment by purifying his soul with his good actions.Then a purified Soul gets the divine touch and leads his life very peacefully in a successful way.Mankind need to understand that he has to face the challenges of life as opportunities and thus prove of  possessing a strong mindset.Hindrances purifies our soul in the best way and teaches us to be a good recipient...


                                                                    PATH OF LIFE God's creation is so wonderful. Mankind may have numerous genius scientist engaged in massive scientific innovations but , no one can deny the miracle science of the one and only GREATEST scientist of this magnanimous universe ,the OMNIPOTENT and the OMNIPRESENT -Almighty God. Most interesting thing being the outbreak of CORONA virus. Mankind is engaged in a seemingly unending Chaos and Confusion. Man with his family is lock down inside home with near and dear ones for whom he was hardly having time to share a cup of Tea or Coffee. On the other hand God is peacefully purifying HIS most pious and beautiful creation - the planet named Earth. So, in my inward -eye ,i was envisioned of this imagination since the very first day of the lock down...

Life in lockdown

 The COVID-19 Pandemic have brought a lot many changes in the life of mankind globally.For many its a stress ....but truly i would like to share has brought a lot peace in my life.My life was ..suddenly in a situation of chaos n confusion.mind was in a puzzle stage. But this pandemic cleared all clouds n filled my life with all SUNSHINE n blessing ,brought immense peace . This Pandemic , i feel is a decision of Almighty.The first lock down for this covid_19 was announced on 22nd MARCH 2020.A lot of vision was created in my imagination. On one side ..India was having a lot project to convert the cities to smart cities but situation became such that massive road ways lay vacant with no single movement of vehicle on road..same with railways and airways. The whole of the world came to a stand still.All of a sudden- the TECHNICALLY REVOLUTIONISED MODERN SOCIETY OF 21st CENTURY.....was in the state of a pause. Uncountable question cropped up in my mind.The only thing that was co...


My heart is at peace...feeling a heavenly coolness in mind and heart.Today i had a beautiful interaction on my subject ...literature.... with a good friend of mine. Just feeling blessed today... I have a habit of noting down beautiful  moral quotes on a regular basis. Got appreciation on my choice of collection....feel amazing going through the quotes noted down long has given me such a fresh feeling...thanks to the great personalities jotting down so nice thoughts which guides us in an optimistic manner the moral lessons of life.Am a fan of all those great person with the invaluable quote websites to guide our life in the best way....with these quotes we all followers can reach the zenith in our lives..... Love all those who guide their lives with these awesome quotes to lead a beautiful and purposeful life.


ACTS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS People of such strata, being at the top of the administrative post get arrested and ruin their careers within no time. Man gets birth on this earth to fulfill a particular purpose. He is put to the test with odd and awkward situations from where he needs to come out neatly to win the trust of God and move ahead for his betterment. But due to his own greediness falls prey to evil games staged by the Almighty. To lead a successful life, our conduct and deeds must be guarded by the act of righteousness. People should have faith in living a meaningful life with the purpose of refining their conduct. After achieving such success of being in the highest administrative position, what leads him to get into fraud and misappropriation, then being dragged to the police station. It's really disgusting. God helps in all situations if we believe in the acts of righteousness. Being on this path,I have always felt the existence of God with me in all odd situations. We...

My 1st blog

                                                                    My 1st BLOG Life is a canvas. I love to paint it with the curiosity of my imagination - the situations,circumstances,challenges of this so called Modern Scientific Technically Revolutionized Materialistic World provide me the rainbow colours to draw a beautiful spectrum of my colorful life on the blank canvas. Life is really beautiful. Live it to the fullest. 2 . ACTS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS     -11.08.2018(SATURDAY) People of such strata , being at the top of the administrative post get arrested n ruin their career within no time. Man gets birth on this earth to fulfil a particular purpose. He is put to test with odd and awkward situations from where he need to come out neatly to win the trust of God and move ahead for his be...