My Ideas On Life

My Ideas on Life Life is a duty. Life is Faith. Life is Devotion. Life is a Promise. Life is Dedication. Life is an Unending Journey. Life is for Enlightenment. Life is a Spiritual Path. Life is a Divine responsibility. Life is a Beautiful Dream. Life is for Self-Improvement. Each of these qualities of Life is easily attained with discharge of Right Conduct.We should also involve our-self with good feelings for others. We need to know that each individual is first a human-being then any other status or relation.Mankind can achieve a lot by sharing love ,care and affection for each other. Man can easily attain enlightenment by purifying his soul with his good actions.Then a purified Soul gets the divine touch and leads his life very peacefully in a successful way.Mankind need to understand that he has to face the challenges of life as opportunities and thus prove of possessing a strong mindset.Hindrances purifies our soul in the best way and teaches us to be a good recipient...