Smart Age with Smart Mobile

Hello dears Interacting with my dear readers after many days. Its really a trauma transition - something out of imagination that the pandemic has separated the teenagers from that of the school life.A challenging phase for all parents /guardians. No doubt the technical age has bridged the gap between SCHOOL and HOME with the Virtual Classrooms. But the most tragic part has been the disadvantages of these cell phones. Every kid has developed an unnecessary indulgence with this electronic gadget. We have to guard our kids from this too much involvement with this device. Dear parents, I request all -along with unrest this phase has given a golden opportunity to be near our kids to give them the utmost affectionate touch which they rightfully deserve. Be beside the kids and keep them engaged and involved with lot many interesting games. Sit and play with them ,also share those plays that we used to have in our school days which will be really interesting to them. As the p...