Dear Readers

Normal life , for the time being ,is too far away. Coronavirus will take some more time to get aligned with human cells-once their sweet relationship starts ,we will have our wings back to fly with our fantasy to fancy destinations.

Mankind yearning for NOLMANCY.

As a parent , and a teacher- today i feel the real loss is of the maturity of the teenagers. The cognitive knowledge of the students between the age group of 15 to 18yrs has been very badly hampered. This age is the prime stage of human life which need to be given an appropriate direction. But the devil device- android mobile as a termite has greatly destroyed their thinking process.

Its a request to all parent and guardians to spend time and be in the company of their children to spend quality and entertaining moment. In an artistic and intellectual way, we need to create a passion within them for career and earning to be luxuriously independent and settled with a secured life. 

In every possible way , we need to move their madness from the Foolish online games and bend it towards the intellectual games of REASONING Chapters and make them unconsciously competent with these to sharpen their IQ from a very tender age.

All of us now most of the time  stay at home compared to pre- covid period. So, we can devote a few of our leisure time to inspire and motivate these youngsters towards a right path and lets they develop a habit for reasoning tests by just spending a few hours with us.

Hope my readers will give a thought on this and share their views for a new start of the youngsters.

Love u all. Takecare .Protect urself from the Coronavirus infection n Stay Happy, Blessed and Successful.

Good Night.


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