Alternative English (Indian Children Speak - Juanita Bell) & English -The Magic of Teamwork - Dr. Sam Pitroda


  The Magic of Teamwork - Dr. Sam Pitroda

Solutions By MALA  ACHARYA

UNIT - I  

Q1. What is the key problem affecting India's progress - lack of policies or lack of implementation or lack of teamwork?

Ans. - The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The key problem affecting India's progress is the lack of implementation and the lack of teamwork.

Q2. What is the joke about the Indian and Japanese workers at the Maruti Suzuki Company?
Ans. - The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

At the Maruti Suzuki Company, the joke about the Indian and Japanese workers is that on basis of smartness, capability, and commitment - One Indian is equal to 10 Japanese but due to a lack of team - spirit - 10 Indians are equal to one Japanese.

Q3.what is the "Crab Mentality"
Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

Crab Mentality is a state of pulling the legs of an efficient candidate out of jealousy or enmity.

Q4.Where does the root of the "Crab Mentality" lie?
Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The root of the Crab mentality lies partially in our cultural background. As per our feudal and hierarchical social system, the elders or seniors can only make decisions for the family.

Q5. What is the demerit of a hierarchical social system?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The demerit of a hierarchical social system is that- a senior member always takes the final decision in a family irrespective of the changes in society.

Q6.How can the right kind of teams be created?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The right kind of teams can be created by recognising the experience and updating the quality of an individually specific area.

Solutions By MALA  ACHARYA


Q1."If this were happening in India" - What does the author mean by this?

Ans. -The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

By "this" - the author means that Hierarchical grading on basis of seniority comes to the minds of Indians in the workplace. There is a serious lack of team spirit in India.

Q2.How does Hierarchy come in the way of doing a task together in India?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

In India, hierarchy comes in the way of doing a task together as seniors in the workplace maintain their dignity and status; and do not want to be friendly with subordinates.

Q3.What should the members of a team learn for effective teamwork?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

For effective teamwork, the members of a team learn to both - lead and follow. They should not give importance to the hierarchy grade but be friendly with each other.

Q4. Should the members of a team exercise leadership only or accept the lead of others only in 'true teamwork'?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The members of a team should learn to be both - a leader and also a follower - and be friendly with each member of a team in ' true teamwork' .

Q5. Who is a good team player?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

A good team player is a person who is open, clear, and honest in his discussion with all members of a team. He needs to have respect, tolerance, and a willingness to give.

Q6. Is total agreement on a conflicting issue possible?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

No, total agreement on a conflicting issue is not possible. So, employees start working on the agreed-upon aspects first. 

Q7. Which is important for beginning a piece of work on the agreed-upon aspects or waiting for the total agreement?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

It is important for beginning a piece of work on the ground-upon aspects.

Q8. What are the qualities of a good team player?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda. 

A good team player should have respect, tolerance, and a willingness to give. He should have the ability to resolve conflicts by being open, clear, and honest with each member.

Q9. What does the author mean by a 'hidden agenda'? How does it affect teamwork?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

By a hidden agenda', the author means the team members say something but means the exact opposite of it.

This "hidden agenda" affects teamwork very badly as it kills teamwork spirit.

Q10. What does a good team ethic' imply?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

A good work ethic implies that the agenda should be an open document. The members of a team should be open, clear, and honest. They should not play the role of dual personality.

Solutions By MALA  ACHARYA


Q1. How did the author handle inefficient employees in C - DOT?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

In C- DOT, the author used to have a direct face-to-face conversation with the inefficient employees in a meeting in front of all employees.

Q2. How did the errant employees react to his open criticism?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The errant employee used to take the work criticism personally on himself.

Q3.What was the author's intention behind open criticism?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The intention of the author behind open criticism was for the benefit of all present in the meeting. Everyone could learn from that individual's mistakes.

Q4.What did he learn about the Indian attitude to criticism?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The author had learnt about the Indian attitude to criticism and that Indians do not differentiate between criticizing an idea and criticizing an individual.

Q5.Does criticizing an idea mean criticizing an individual?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

No, criticizing an idea does not mean criticizing an individual because in the workplace an individual is criticizing only for his work and assignment undertaken. Personal issues are never criticized in the workplace.

Q6.Can an employee criticize the boss in India?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

No, an employee can never criticize the boss in India as the hierarchical grading system is given much priority in India.

Q7.What are the key elements of a team's success?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The key elements of a team's success are the stability, security, and comfort of the members of the team.

Q8.What affects 'team performance' in India?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The difference between physical and mental workers in terms of power, position, and respect affects team performance in India.

Q9. What was the job of the author's driver?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The job of the author's driver is to drive and wait for his boss, and also to open and close the door of the car for entering and coming out of the car.

Q10.How did he react when the author asked him not to open the door of the car for him?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

When the author asked him not to open the door of the car - Ram, the driver started crying that it is his duty and job.

Q11.How did the author like to use the driver?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The author wanted his driver Ram, not to be a mere driver but also to help him in his official works. He wanted his driver to be his team player.

Q12. How did the author motivate the driver to be a team player?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The author motivated the driver to be a team player by assigning him to help with office work like - making copies, filing papers, sending faxes, answering phone calls, or reading something when not engaged in driving.

Solutions By MALA  ACHARYA


Q1.How do diversifying tasks help workers?

  Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

Diversifying task help workers as it increases the worker's self-respect, and motivate them to do work satisfactorily, and become good team players.

Q2. Why is it difficult to build teams in India?

  Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

It is difficult to build teams in India because of the idea of the corporate hierarchy. Employees do not want to be subordinate to someone and maintain dignity avoiding being friendly within a team.

Q3. How can working with diversity happen?

 Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

To work with diversity in the workplace, employees of each level - seniors and juniors should get rid of personal, caste, and community interests and be friendly to each other.

Q4. Does age matter for holding positions?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

No, age does not matter for holding positions.

Q5. What matters much for a senior position - age or capability?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

For a senior position - capability matters much. A person should be an expert and capable in a specific area to have a senior position.

Q6. How should the seniors treat employees with lower self-esteem?

Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The seniors should treat the employees with lower self-esteem in an encouraging way. They should pamper and motivate them, and recognize their good work spirit.


Ans.- The question is from the Chapter - "The Magic of Teamwork" written by Dr. Sam Pitroda.

The fundamental ideals in the corporate environment are respect for others, openness, willingness, and recognition of the importance of the goal. Also, another important thing is not to be afraid of pressure.


SCTE & VT- Semester Important questions have been highlighted.



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