Wish All A very Happy New Year

Dear Readers Storm is symbolic of the negative /unpleasant situation in life just like this Covid-19 2020 Pandemic. The whole year created untold and unbearable unrest in the lives of many people. Throughout the world there was sufferings and death. People with spiritual touch had peace in mind even in this intolerable situation. They very well understood the scenario and kept calmness in heart, mind and soul. They knew that the situation has been created with a purpose by the Omnipotent and HE will take care of the situation and obviously will bring a new move in this universe. Its the faith in GOD which give strength to us to stay calm in such treacherous situation. So dear readers- stay calm and have peace in mind in all kinds of situation. The storm brought by this COVID-19 recede away smoothly with the grace of GOD. Have faith in GOD, HE will take care of all mankind in the best way only. So wish all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR- 2021 Stay at home, enjoy with family ,b...