
Showing posts from October, 2020

Do You Love Reading Poems?

  Dear Readers Do You Love Reading Poems? Just have an intense look at this picture above for a few seconds, all thoughts in your mind will embrace the spectral colours and slowly will heal and relax your heart, mind, and soul in a miraculous way. I just love poems. Thoughts are best expressed through poems. All poems are rich and have deep intense of meanings. In English literature, my best poets are from the Romantic age. I enjoy the poems of William Wordsworth, John Keats, Samuel Coleridge, and P.B.Shelley.All of them have written beautiful poems on nature. The beauty of nature gives a soothing touch to our emotions in the best way. All my readers can put this line to the test, about poems and basically on nature. These poets have to insert so great feelings in each of the words of their poems that -the expressions catch your imagination and the lines are converted to visions in your inward eye and you feel it- being on the lap of nature with the soothing touch of the greenery a...

Peer Group

                                                                     PEER GROUP Hey Friends The very utterance of the word friends -attracts attention even to strangers, creates a positive vibe within soul. Isn't it. Hope you agree this idea of mine. Friendship which we say-Dost, dostana,Yari, yarana , soulmate and this word is also applicable to our social group in which we share common interest with each other. Superficial and Fanciful thing has no recognition  here. I feel lucky to have  more than one friend circles. My mates during school days then my graduation which covers the eastern states of India; really unique and next my post-graduation.  Each group has different individuals- as friends. The very thought gives a rich feeling. But the most interesting thing being during my school days, the...

Beauty of Innocence

                                                            Beauty of Innocence   Hey friends So howz Ur days going on? Hope you all will agree that the very utterance of the word- INNOCENCE immediately flashes our thoughts back to our golden childhood days. Childhood is never categorized -good or bad. It’s always inconsiderate. Childhood days then being a teenager, next a matured person. In all these stages of life, we meet lot of people- as friends, mentors, acquaintances; also our cousins, relatives, people in our community and etc. Each one of them has influenced us in some way or other. But what matters most -is the lessons self-taught from situations and circumstances. If we recall childhood days, remember we were allowed to do only those things as per the likes of parents and elders with us. So that what beco...

Feel the Touch of Divine

Hello Friends Sharing a few lines from the core of my heart - ----Always be grateful to those who do something for you, and make yourself happy under all circumstances. By this we get a complete package of life marked with good health ,wealth and happiness. - ---Gratitude is the greatest part of life which is always uplifting and in best way elevates feelings.I think it is the door for all types of personalities to grow in life.The power of gratitude works for us when we give anything to anybody with truth and honesty. -----The real achievement is how many people are inspired by me and my conduct. In return to this,God helps us in every moment and in every walk of life. ----Talking about Faith, its a light that brightens our inner qualities and gives us strength to act.Our journey of success becomes possible only with our courageous heart which removes the fear of failure very swiftly.We have to creat a strong belief that our sincere conduct will give good results. - --Never leave the ...

Festivity - Maa Durga - "The Invincible"

😊😊😊👪💅💓                                        JAI MAA DURGA DURGATI NASHINI Dear Readers On this great and auspicious occasion of Durga Puja- wants to share few things about MAA. The name 'Durga' in Sanskrit means 'Invincible' .The syllable 'du' refers to the 4 devils namely---poverty, suffering ,famine and evil habits. The 'r' refers to diseases and the 'ga' is the destroyer of sins, injustice ,irreligion, cruelty and laziness. Goddess Durga is a unified symbol of all the divine forces and is said to have manifested when evil forces threatened the very existence of the Gods .To destroy these demons ,all Gods offered their radiance to her creation and each formed different parts of Durga's body. She also obtained very powerful weapons such as the Chakra from Lord Vishnu and Trishul from Lord Shiva. Goddess Durga, hence, rose to power and killed the dangerous demon Mah...

Let's Together Fight -The 2020 Pandemic

                                                                  Let's Together Fight - the 2020 Pandemic Dear Readers One great thing the 2020 Pandemic has brought about is the human interdependence in a global platform. The boundaries between states and countries have dissolved .The whole world has come together to fight against the common challenge affecting the lives of people . The coronavirus pandemic has created chaos in almost every field-politics ,society ,culture, education ,media ,healthcare, security, science and technology ,travel and personal lifestyle. We need to support and co-operate with each other to bring a STOP to the spread of the coronavirus. To control and suppress spread ,we have strengthen and maintain health services ,and above all Stay at Home -safe, healthy and fit. Along with this with right m...

"Maa Durga Bless Mankind"

                                                 DURGA PUJA 2020                                                                              Dear Readers Durga Puja is celebrated throughout India .It is the Grandest Festival of India. Maa Durga  is the "Destroyer of Evil". Maa  Durga is known in different names like- Bhavani, Amba, Chandrika, Gauri, Parvati, Mahishasuramardini. Maa Durga is the 'Mother Goddess' and the 'Protector of the Righteous' to devotees. Dussehra marks the end of Navaratri, a nine-day long festivity dedicated to the Hindu warrior goddess Durga. It is a reminder to do away with evil and live in harmony. In the course of this ...

Every Moment is Awesome..

                                                          Every Moment is Awesome 💓💓💓💓💓 A purposeful life is really awesome to live. I have lived my life till now very mindfully, being conscious of my acts. I love being organised, systematic and discipline. For  me such a life helps to lead life in the right way peacefully.  Being a working lady also, have lived each moment in an excellent way. No doubt, ladies live with lot many responsibilities of family. Bringing up children and fulfilling each one's interest upholding the culture and tradition of family and society are  the different things which makes a lady competent.   In course of all this also, I have stolen great moments of freedom from myself.   Here I would  love to quote my favorite line-" Freedom is the Oxygen of the...