
Purpose of life

 Dear Readers Make your life purposeful. Life is too short . Gain knowledge and ignite new ideas in every moment of life. Be rich in your thoughts and also rich spiritually. You have come alone and go alone, it's a raw truth of life.  God takes care of you and also gives solution to  odd/ negative situation in your life. Life is beautiful and precious. Spend it with all positivity. Be Optimistic. Keep yourself engaged in your inward journey to achieve success in all your good conduct of life. Richness of life is in living a peaceful and happy life with your family.

Elements of communication

  Part-1 - Part-2-


Crab Mentality

  Dear Readers Dr.Sam Pitroda has very rightly said on Crab Mentality in his article- The Magic of Teamwork  Crab mentality - If someone is trying to climb higher and achieve more, the others just drag him down. The signal that the others send out is, "I wouldn't do it; I wouldn't let you do it; and if by chance you start succeeding, we will all gang up and make sure that you don't get to do it." But a real winner is that person who is sincere and dedicated in his job and encourages others to be so.  If each individual develops these qualities wherever they are engaged in their professional life, India will not only be a developed nation but also a rich nation where our brothers, sisters, and children will be happy and also secured in a safe society within a self-sufficient state, country and nation on the whole.

English as an Industry Readiness Tool for Diploma Engineering Students in Bhubaneswar INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF  RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEW ------------------------------------------------------- © 2024 IJRAR February 2024, Volume 11, Issue 1, Page no- 731 to 736 Registration ID – 232569 I Paper ID -    IJRAR24A2109 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- English as an Industry Readiness Tool for Diploma Engineering Students in Bhubaneswar Ms. Mala Acharya PhD Scholar, Department of English Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha & Dr. Rakesh Kumar Tripathy Assistant Professor, Department of English Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha -----------------------------------------------------------------------   Abstract: English language in the 21 st century has emerged as a vital source of employment for the educated youth who have a strong command over it. The global corporate world is an opportunity for our challenging youth who possess a g

Be United to Bring the Change

  Be United to Bring the Change In my profession whatever I do, I do with passion. Being in the teaching profession; that too in a professional course, I want to give the best in my teaching with my innovative teaching methods to inspire, and motivate engineering students so that they study their syllabus along with go beyond their classroom teachings to meet the needs of the industry. A strong bond with students in the teaching-learning activity is urgently required. A teacher can only bring the requisite psychological change in a student with encouraging words, creating a futuristic vision of a career. The teenagers are dragging themselves to a false world in their cell phones. Only we have to guide them - " To be a king of the cell phone rather than being a slave to it." At the tip of their finger, they have the world of knowledge in the cell phone. Instead of the games, with proper guidance aptitude and reasoning can be a passion in them with which they can have a settled


  Yes, the secret of success is Sincerity. Sincerity is an abstract noun. It's a quality, an idea. It needs no explanation. It's a great virtue of a strong personality. Persons in possession of this virtue are mentally sound and strong; and enjoy the journey of life with an iron-willed confidence. This quality in these people acts as an inspiration and motivation. They are hard-working. Boldly face challenges of life- personal, social, and also professional. any assignment they handle, try hard with their heart, soul, and mind to complete it successfully with satisfaction as expected from their seniors/authorities.  But in case there are any odd feelings from colleagues or team members, they recognize the jealousy and hypocrisy in them. Immediately, remain alert to face the crises. Sometimes situations become tough when seniors manipulate things. In this situation, the best solution is calmness and solitude. It creates miracles and acts as a magic in solving problems. Automatic

The Goat Path by James Stephens

  The Goat Path                                                                                             -   by James Stephens   1. Where are the straying goats found ? Ans.- The straying goats are found in the wasteland covered with shrubs which provide them mouthful of grass. 2. Why do the goats go to the heath and not to a grassy field ? Ans.- The goats go to the the crooked path and not to grassy field because they find both sunniness and quietness; also there is no disturbance as its upon the hill. 3. Are these goats different from the others of their kind? Ans.- No, these goats are not at all different from the other goats of the same species. By nature ,the goats like quietness away from disturbance of any kind. 4. How many times are the words relating to "quiet " used in this poem? And to what effect? Ans.- The word "quite" has been used 10 times in this poem. The poet James Stephens has used the word "quite" to describe the calm and si