Keep balance

Dear Readers The Pandemic in real sense has made life dull and uninteresting. To say- we have plenty of time n also do not have time. So choas in thoughts and mind. The wings of imagination searching new world of free living. As such if we focus the Omnipotent has discovered a new process to refresh and renew the Earth surface. Mother Earth taking care of herself ,so that her children can live a healthy life free from diseases and stress.Situation are really difficult for lot many people to earn their living , education for their child. More astonishing is that Corona -virus has wiped-out lot many families.Its very disheartening and saddening to recall the moments spent with them and hear similar incidents from near n dear ones ,relatives and friends. The world is getting free from the fancifulness' -realism....realistic and authenticity making its ground. Whether its the high-fi brands materials or bla bla breaking news of bollywood industries- as famous ones getting...